New england patriots gay pride stickers

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The Kraft’s $25,000 donation was the first sponsorship of its kind by any major professional sports team.

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The owner’s son is the president of the team’s charitable foundation, as well as the Nicholas President of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston.” Robert Kraft, owner of the New England Patriots, came out to cheer the players on at the closing night party. According to the Boston Globe, “The Patriots have taken the unprecedented step of financially backing the event, thanks in no small part to Josh Kraft. Photo by Patrick LentzĪfter recently announcing the New England Patriots as MVP sponsors, Boston’s FLAG (Friends, Lesbians and Gays) Flag Football League added the Boston Red Sox, Celtics, Bruins and Revolution as Bronze sponsors for Gay Bowl XVII, held last weekend right outside Boston.įLAG Flag Football Boston hosted this national championship, which brought some 900 LGBTQ and allied flag football players from more than 36 teams-including the Boston Hancocks and the Boston Bulldogs-from across the United States and Canada to compete on the fields at Progin Park in Lancaster, Massachusetts, and socialize at various Boston hot spots, including at opening and closing night parties. Boston's own FLAG Flag Football hosted the event. More than 900 players from 36 teams traveled from cities across the United States and Canada to compete in the 17th annual national Gay Bowl championships, held October 6–8.

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